Fallout 4 weapon attachments mod. Even adds in some new unique legendary weapons.
Fallout 4 weapon attachments mod. Dec 31, 2024 · Welcome to my mod X.
Fallout 4 weapon attachments mod Dec 29, 2023 · This is another weapon randomization mod using the amazing and very lore friendly Attachment Pack mod by DegenerateDak! This mod and all my randomized weapon mods edit weapons without using scripts or using leveled lists. , pool of weapons that the game can choose from when spawning a legendary weapon). I was extremely overwhelmed with the amount of possibilities this had to offer. Should be compatible with any mod that edits the base weapon damage etc as long as it does not change the weapon mods itself just the base weapon stats. This is a better version of my previous attachment video that actually covers adding a custom attachment instead of adding any attachment to any weapon. Jul 4, 2020 · Modified MP40, M1 Garand, and Winchester weapon mods to be more consistent Modified Base stats for MP40, M1 Garand, and Winchester. Every part of the weapon is separately moddable, meaning you can achieve any visual look or performance you want. This time i added random attachments to the MW2023 - The Ultimate M4 Platform by OzzyTheRaven. Removes all of the meme-related stuff such as the Shizo and Damascus attachments from the gun, as well as removing the Shizo Special & Garden Gnome ammunition from the chem bench. I don't like XYZ A. These include regular weapon and armor mods, such as sturdy or heavy armor piece variants, Legendary armor and weapon effects, and so forth. The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Even better now that they combined it with modern sidearms. Adds vanilla'fied versions of some ofthe base Attachment Pack that are more compatible with CC Paints Mar 10, 2019 · The omods work fine and boost weapon damage appropriately when they show up. Jan 20, 2023 · The M72 Gauss Rifle Attachment Pack (or short G. This mod does not work with the Next-Gen version of the game. 0 + 0. View the original Mod page. Jan 15, 2024 · This mod fixes bugs and inconsistencies within Leveled Item forms, standardises and extends some instances, and controls DLC item distribution. This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. Dec 27, 2015 · And finally, if the weapon mod says it adds a damage multiplier of 0. Mar 3, 2018 · If you want the new weapon mod to be found naturally on the weapon instead of having to be crafted on every time you find it, you'll want to edit the weapon's "Object Template" found at the top of the weapon entry to the right of the weapon name and add your new weapon mod on each of the templates at the top left. It also disperses DLC weaponry out throughout all the maps in the game. Fallout 4 has a good selection of weapons to pick from but I felt like the combat rifle (never) stood out, especially since the weapon design and purpose was made to be very simple and generic. Adds new attachments to some guns andlots of melee weapons; Refines some of the nifbashed assetsand some are subpar, especially the Institute lasers (I made em so; can say that). You can deflect bullets only with melee weapons that aren't affected by iron fist perkto keep "realism". All levels are exactly the same at which mods are applied to enemies' weapons. Doesn't affect melee weapons, sorting, or the final name given to the weapon itself. Feb 6, 2024 · The Mod is highly compatible with other mods as it changes the bare minimum, mods that add npc that use the vanilla leveledlist will work fine and will spawn with the new weapons. As such, most weapons now no longer show a damage modifier attachment option at a weapon workbench. Including 16 highly customizable guns and a few unique variants with all new models, textures, sounds and animations. My mod doesn't let you put any mod on any weapon. When you find or craft one of these guns in game it should be completely randomized Oct 24, 2024 · Fallout 4 has a good selection of weapons to pick from but I felt like the combat rifle (never) stood out, especially since the weapon design and purpose was made to be very simple and generic. However oddly, I loaded my game today and it seems the attachments have disappeared, My musket has back to ironsights a Jun 1, 2021 · Due to recent changes in the latest updates to Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit that were done to expand the number of forms plugins can have means this mod and a majority of mods to release from now will not work in any version prior to 1. Some of these modifiers are attached in-game, such as when a Legendary item is found, or when an armor mod is attached at a armor workbench. that aspect of fallout's gun modification and perk system has always bugged me. 5- Some bug fixes and an autmatic receiver with drum mag for double barrel shotgun (this was a fun experiment but I don't know if I'll keep it ) . There are over 700 mods,[1] generally including sights, barrels, stocks, receivers, magazines and more. Take it to a workbench, where you can then upgrade it to feature different receives, stocks, ammo types, zoom configuration, muzzle breaks and suppressors. This should work fine with anything that adds new weapons (balance tweaks are relatively minor) or new attachments, but other mods that edit the vanilla weapons will conflict. I use NMM to install my mods, the thing is a few months ago I could mod in a gun and it would be fine. 6 - added a minigun drill barrel, minigun shotgun barrel, new weapon - pipe machine gun with a few mods for it, sledgehammer mods, pipe revolver sniper/rifle mods. Yet despite that it's probably the most versatile and useful weapon in the game, being able to take on the role of a multipurpose rifle, being good in Feb 2, 2024 · Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets; Console modding permission The author gave permission for someone else to port this mod to console and for it to be uploaded to Bethesda. This video showcases 4 mods Sep 1, 2024 · This is another one of my weapon randomization mods. A community for both content creators, and users modding their games. All files are ESL-flagged ESP's Replaced weapons will spawn with the following modifications: All replaced weapons will be named JAK-12 and will follow instance naming conventions; Replaced weapons will spawn with a May 28, 2024 · specifically any mod that adds attachments for the vanilla weapons, like the attachment pack Any fix? Fallout 4. May 25, 2016 · I've encountered this bug where i cant seem to be able to attach mods to weapons that i already have. 5, thus 250% damage. Institute Rifle Debulked - patch provided in the optional files; Credits: Institute Laser Rifle Rework by 6 days ago · Tactical Weapon Mods Robco - Realistic DLC Weapons Name The Attachment Pack - Endorse and track this mod. May 23, 2018 · The Converter converts the Minigun to use . Higher level weapons have the increased perk requirements to make mods. Jan 10, 2024 · In the Attachment Pack - Attachment series I will cover all the attachments that the mod adds. Why download a single weapon when i can have 300+ with a great selection of attachments. thank you ehtyeci for pointing these two things out. The Gauss projectiles may be hers, as well. Jun 8, 2019 · Finally after nearly 2 years of delays, WIP images and the odd video it's finished. Nov 25, 2024 · Laser weapons, plasma weapons, acid spits, rockets and other weapon that aren't bullet are out. Dec 13, 2017 · i did not set my fallout 4 ini files to load loose files. Dec 25, 2023 · Notes about the Implementation Patch from DeathByPewPew: 1. if said weapons are already optimized, then further optimizing them 2 days ago · At lvl 14 on vanilla Fallout you will encounter this weapon 1/3 of the time. Adds vanilla'fied versions of some ofthe base Attachment Pack that are more compatible with CC Paints Nov 14, 2022 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Nov 16, 2024 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Aug 25, 2024 · Simple "compatibility" patch between The Attachment Pack and Pipe Gun Improvements so that all the pipe weapon attachments are now interchangeable between the Pipe Gun, Bolt-Action and Revolver. What matters are the mod attachpoints on the weapons. I have heard others having the same issue but for scopes on some other. - IDontEvenKnow: For their genius idea that allows you to equip weapon mods on the weapon without actually using an attachment point. Jan 22, 2025 · About this mod. All vanilla weapons that the Attachment Pack uses are completely randomized. The game engine will randomly pick and attach mods from mod collections when these weapons spawn. This iteration isn't identical to the one from WIP, there are several parts that got changed, extended and improved. (Video Demonstration) I don't know what caused this but i cant seam to figure it out. net. Even adds in some new unique legendary weapons. They can be attached to a weapon to provide extra functionality or improve its stats. Made to be in line with other similar mods for Nuka Worlds perk requirement removers. OCZ: Several FX meshes, including those featured in Better Plasma Infusion. Members Online Ballistic weapon mods tend to work well among each other. Make sure your file conflicts/overwrite priority for installed mods (Left panel) is set up like this : Jun 15, 2022 · About this mod. patreon. Credits Broodahood for the original idea The F4SE Team for Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) Fudgyduff for Address Library and CommonLibF4 Jan 12, 2024 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Apr 14, 2021 · i added the same weapon mods from passed versions, minus the converted receivers A whole new gun named Compact Submachine gun I'ts mods are similar to the Vanilla Submachine gun, with the addition of a few stocks and barrels The Laser Submachine gun is now a separate weapon, with different receiver options, excited versions, So I've recently downloaded a weapon mod (MK14 and Wardaddys Anims for it) but the Animation mod gets rid of some of the attachments you can put on it including the main ones i want, laser sight and flashlight. If anyone knows a fix to this it would be nice to know! Oct 25, 2022 · Should be compatible with any vanilla Institute weapon retextures unless they either edit the meshes, materials. < FIRST-TIME SETUP > Don't install the "12. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Feb 11, 2023 · Patreon if you'd like to donate to the channel:https://www. Rechambered MP40 SMG replacer to . This mod works out of the box for all weapon attachments (even those added by mods), meaning that no patches are The only weapon mod I use is extended weapon mods because I haven't gotten far enough into fallout 4 modding to add outside weapons. Dec 25, 2023 · Over 400+ brand new lore friendly hand crafted attachments for vanilla and DLC weapons! Highlights include: Stick mags for the SMG (with animations)! Classic Fallout attachments for weapons (like Wattz parts for laser rifle)! Remade cut and concept art parts! Pipe gun parts that don't look ugly! Jun 22, 2016 · Adds a craftable weapon accessory tool kit (the T. 56mm, . If you guys find any problems, have recommendations for weapons or want to see something changed let me know in the comments. Type Updates may add even more options and some remodels, but for now, enjoy and Merry Christmas! Features: Over 400+ brand new lore friendly hand crafted attachments for vanilla and DLC weapons! Highlights include: Stick mags for the SMG (with animations)! Classic Fallout attachments for weapons (like Wattz parts for laser rifle)! Jan 6, 2025 · Attachment Pack Unofficial Update andRefinement. Oct 10, 2018 · So I've been trying to add weapon attachments to a combat rifle that I spawned in. - Ammo Types--- 12 Gauge - Receivers--- Awful, Poor, Average, Good, Perfect - Barrels Object modifiers (or OMODs) are modifications applied to a base item. However, many of these modifiers can only be May 28, 2022 · Place in the load order AFTER all your weapon mods (or at least the ones that this mod edits) and it should work just fine. Aside from the service rifle and RU556, there's the H&K MP7. - Maverick missile launcher’s targeted computer on a sawed off shotgun, each shell is 8 missiles, a much more usable version of what you might have been trying to do with the mirv 10mm. any laser attachments; Fallout 4 is updated to version 1 . Jun 13, 2018 · This mod combines 3 FNV weapons -Service Rifle, Assault Carbine and Marksman Carbine- into one fully customisable weapon. Dec 5, 2024 · Double Action Revolver great animation mod but was saved in older version of esp causing corruption so i remade with new esp , you also need attachment pack for this update VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Nov 24, 2015 · (000B9A86) 'Targeting Computer' - This one is particularly fun as it makes whatever weapon you attached it to, shoot out missiles. This conversion also slows the fire rate of the weapon while improving range, accuracy, and armor penetration. Because each individual weapon has it's own flashlight section in FO4edit, I can't make this simply effect ALL flashlights by default. Misriah Armory is a collection of 8 faithfully recreated weapons drawing inspiration from a number of weapons in the Halo series but with a focus more on the Reach art style than the others all with a good variety of customisation ranging from sights and receivers to ammo types and muzzles. 8 , MW3 FSS Hurricane , MW3 TAQ-56 , MW3 TAQ-V , MW3 TAQ Explore Degenerate Dak's Weapons Pack, a curated mod collection for Fallout 4 on Nexus Mods. Everything Fallout modding, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76, and everything in between. May 5, 2016 · So I'm having a very strange issue with my new survival save. Prefixes are as follows: 10mm Pistol: "10mm". You can get this perk only via console. either the attachment or the minigun won't show up when i create the save. I fixed the animation issues that were reported using my mod No crafting animations. Some time later, mods were released to the public. While you are exploring the wasteland you will Firstly, you will need 3 weapons for this, and I'll refer to them as "00" (the weapon to be scrapped), "01" (the Unique/Legendary Weapon) and "02" (the weapon you want the attachment to end up on). There is also an easy way and a hard way depended on the position of the desired "Mod Slot" for "01", so I'll start with the easy way. Nov 17, 2023 · Attachments are standalone but refer to vanilla models so mod is not compatible with laser or Institute weapon replacers that change vanilla model paths. Description: This mod allows you to craft and attach any weapon mod, on any weapon It's not balanced and it's not immersive. You can force attach mods from different types of weapons onto one target if they're of different mod types, allowing for some interesting Aug 3, 2023 · The AA-12 was another consideration, but I included an AA-12 in optional add-ons for both Weapon Mod Kits (WMK, for FO3) and Weapon Mods Expanded (WMX, for FNV), so I felt like a change this time. Jun 21, 2024 · Replaces a variety of vanilla weapons with the M4 from WarfightersWorkshop's Expansive M4 weapon mod. You can work around it some how by doing it in stages. original thread: so im new to modding and have followed all tutorials up to this point. I have changed the . ini files, I have re-installed the game, re-installed the mod, manually installed the mod to no avail. Features the usual stuff that comes with all of my cod ports. Apr 22, 2018 · For some reason any gun I mod into the game is invisible. jkruse: The Torch, Electric, and one of the Rad muzzles (as featured in the Lore Friendly 5. Mods that change weapon stats and pluginless replacers/retextures are compatible. Jul 5, 2024 · 💬 INTRODUCTION This mod aims to fix all the issues with energy weapons in Fallout 4, and adds in over 90 new, fun and balanced attachments. It will be an easy-to-produce and maintain SMG, used by raiders, gunners, or the up and coming minutemen. As for how the scaling works, . Dec 31, 2024 · Welcome to my mod X. esp Jan 12, 2016 · 1. So far it seems It's only happening to the Laser Musket. Choose whichever weapon mod you want, but download the exact file version listed in the categories below. Uninstall any old patches. May 23, 2024 · SA80 (Ultimate Modded Weapon Patch) REQUIRES: SA80 British Rifle (L85 and L86) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods. I did not randomize attachment distributions for the unique weapons Broadsider and Deliverer as these weapons are available only via quest reward and are not part of the Legendary pool (i. com) CHANGES: RECOIL: Guns feel like guns. Sep 3, 2023 · This allows for multiple mods to add weapon attachments to the same weapon without overwriting each other. Enhance your gameplay with these mods. Q&A: Q. It would seem that other weapon mods on the Nexus (and even the Creation Club skin system to some extent) and even possibly AWKCR interfere with my plugin. Watch as he builds and tests a scoped triple-barreled electrified This mod compiles parts of many weapon attachment mods across the nexus to achieve better variety, load order, and compatibility. Vanilla Weapons Slots now follow a 1, 2, 3 naming system for consistency with generated configs created with the devkit. Feel free to tweak the values in xEDIT. All other mods work. Should work with classic Holstered Weapons, Works with laser rifles reanimated. EM Gun:- New electro magnetic weapon that fills the hole of ballistic weapons but with a science twist, like other weapons above comes in pistole and rifle forms with a Sep 28, 2024 · File credits. AWKCR and VIS-G patches for multiple mods! Jan 6, 2025 · Adds a variety of new attchments, overhauls some of the original mod nifbash assets and optimised others. Without them this mod wouldn't have probably existed. May 31, 2017 @ 2:20pm i think in vanilla Jan 6, 2025 · Attachment Pack Unofficial Update andRefinement. This makes this weapon more uncommon. Yet despite that it's probably the most versatile and useful weapon in the game, being able to take on the role of a multipurpose rifle, being good in Jan 13, 2025 · Option 4: A couple of mods have expanded attachments on this weapon already, and this patch differentiates them. gg/62Xy7weymXStreambeats b Notes about the Implementation Patch from DeathByPewPew: 1. In this video I show all of the rifle that The Attachment Pack covers. Since this weapon is stronger than an institute laser gun, this is what I'm aiming for. Adds new attachments to some guns andlots of melee weapons Refines some of the nifbashed assetsand some are subpar, especially the Institute lasers (I made em so can say that). Covers ~70 popular weapons mods on Nexus. Plus, the USAS-12 was easier to create multiple weapon mods for. Jan 16, 2025 · About this mod. im trying to create a melee weapon attachment mod. Thank you to everyone in the Nexus mods Community for making this the most downloaded weapon pack for Fallout 4! Jan 6, 2025 · Attachment Pack Unofficial Update andRefinement. Laser and Plasma mods also seems to transfer well. #1. The creation engine doesnt like working with percentiles, but instead works with fractional float values, treated as multipliers. Standardized damage a Jan 25, 2024 · all weapons spawn with randomised attachments, done by adding modcollections aka attachment collections and adding them to a special levellisted version of the weapon. An up-to-date, searchable list of Fallout 4 Weapon Mod IDs. It doesn't have a huge number of mods like those two, but there's a decent amount. Includes my older mod 'AWAD - Automatic Wea do enjoy, there are so many fantastic weapon mods out there at this stage in the games life cycle that it’s probably harder to find a “bad” mod than a quality one, if you’re trying to keep file size down and aren’t too particular on which weapons you try out deadpool2099 has some fantastic packs that have 7-8 guns in each, like the g36, the p90, the spas, a glock, the uzi and a bunch Feb 11, 2020 · M72 Gauss Rifle Attachment Pack No Weapon Recoil Auto Recovery for Some Mod Added Weapons : You need to keep your Fallout 4 game up to date Feb 22, 2023 · My favourite weapon mod for Fallout 4, finally overhauled as well. Mar 6, 2021 · Weapon attachments: Emphasized the importance of recoil compensating attachments (Stocks, muzzles ect. Dec 6, 2024 · I saw the weapon on Forgotten Weapons earlier this year, and it struck me as a design that would fit perfectly into the Fallout sandbox. - 2. Please credit the author, however Mar 10, 2023 · This is a remake of my older mod Pipe Guns Share Attachments with new features and bug fixes over the original. e. It's one of my favorite weapon mods for Fallout 4 and I thought it could need some extra attachments. 10mm to 10mm and so. I've looked for a fix but with little luck. Well, people have been asking for it as long as I've been making mods and I've always said "I dont want to make an all in one" but I guess here it is, a merge of all of my favorite weapons from my makeshift weapon packs. Replaced bonus damage on all ballistic weapon receivers with bonus critical damage. You can add or edit these as you see fit. Comes in a convenient and adapting installer. esp XM2010_SniperRifle_by_tooun. Alongside adding new attachments, this mod makes weapon attachments on weapon drops more random. 7mm Pistol Patch" as it'll break this mod. 162 or higher The example here uses Mod Organizer 2, but Vortex shouldn't be too different. If there is a weapon mod you'd like to have mapped with the realistic changes in this mod, let me know and I might include it. O. 44 Pistol: "Magnum" Feb 28, 2025 · Scrapping results for weapons and armor are determined by the player's perks and attachments, yielding the same materials as a workbench. The in game weapons to me are good enough for now, the freedom with modding them given by extended weapon mods is pretty satisfying Jul 6, 2024 · Plasma Gun:-New plasma weapon for the Institute with a reasonable amount of customisation from pistol to rifle variations and some attachments and mods inspired by Att Pack. esp XM2010 TAS Add Attachments. Jul 28, 2020 · About this mod. Aug 18, 2023 · This mod applies random attachments to various weapon mods on the Nexus. Jan 8, 2021 · For manual users copy the content of the data folder to your Fallout 4 data folder. That would be too easy and Todd Howard would never allow such a thing to occur. Jul 10, 2023 · Fallout 4 v1. This is not ALL of the weapon mods but a good chunk to get you started. Mar 13, 2024 · Disable Attachment Pack Weapons Patches Disables each weapon by making the construction objects to none and changing the mod assosiation key words to a new unused one so they are no longer attached to the weapons. Extra conversion mags (ECM) - HMAR attachment pack adds several magazines for 5. The weapon you scrap doesn't matter when trying to transfer to a mod from an unscrapable weapon to another. 56 Collection), the Cryo muzzle, as well as the 10mm's Gauss muzzle (derived from Marksman's Mistress). Feb 6, 2016 · Recommended mods: Any Mod Any Weapon by LucasGod; Craft Mod Full Names and Sorting by BlandSauce; This mod was inspired by Any Mod Any Weapon by LucasGod and it is almost necessary with this mod. Aug 10, 2023 · This mod is heavily inspired by Alaszka's Consistent and Realistic Weapons Weight Overhaul. Known Issues: It removes legendary effects from your weapon as it spawns a new weapon with selected parts. P. Jul 24, 2018 · - Changed the "Attack Delay" to match the original weapon mod; Beretta PX4 Storm - Changed the in-game name to "Beretta PX4 Storm" - Changed the "Attack Delay" to match the original weapon mod - Changed the magazine capacity to more closely mimic the original weapon mod - Other critical data changed to match the original weapon mod; Bullpup Bozar Everything Fallout modding, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76, and everything in between. Members Online Jan 18, 2025 · This is a patch to add the attachments of the XM2010 mod to the Tactical Attachment system so you can swap crafted attachments for the two weapons in the field, allowing you to adapt to different engagements. 45 caliber (presumably based on the real life pistol caliber counterpart . com/degeneratedakJoin the Dak Community Discord!https://discord. P or Xtra Ordinary Retexture Project This is the start of my personal retexture project for Fallout 4. Dec 16, 2024 · There's only 1 to be found in the Commonwealth, but ammo for it can be crafted at a chem station under Utility, and more 4-Bore rifles can also be crafted under Utility, but requires you to have the original rifle, plus rank 4 in Gun Nut and rank 1 in Rifleman. 163+ Bethesda, UrbanRanger88 has permission to port my mod to Xbox. Almost all melee weapon mods transfer well. FEATURES. Weapon Overhauls by The6thMessenger. Nov 9, 2015 · Heres what you do: Have 1 gun with the mod you want, say, Long vision scope! Have a second gun you want to put it on. there was also some issues with my nif file having duplicate strings, to which i fixed. If you are interested in knowing, you can pick up a weapon, go to a Weapon Mod Station, and look at the weights change in weapon mods, and judge if they are too far from reality (the vanilla settings are, as far as I know), please let me know if you think some of the values are not reasonable 7. All Discussions Sep 21, 2022 · Fallout 4 Modern Firearms is a huge project by a huge team of mod creators and contributors that adds real-world weapons to Fallout 4. Weapon mods are attachments like receivers, barrels, grips, magazines, sights (scopes) and muzzles. amod" plus whatever attachment code I want which I found on the fallout 4 weapon mods page Sep 9, 2024 · Just a simple edit of the crafting requirements for the Attachment pack to remove some of the weapon damage perk requirements for crafting certain parts. The weapon will also be injected in the Legendary Gun Mar 2, 2025 · Mod adds the ISO Hemlock from MW2023 into Fallout 4. The end goal will be a full overhaul for the Weapon, legendary effect, and perk system of fallout 4 as well as anything else that needs to be tweaked to keep the game difficulty in check and in balance but this will be a Sep 18, 2019 · This mod compiles parts of many weapon attachment mods across the nexus to achieve better variety, load order, and compatibility. need to be mapped separately to behave the way this mod does. Also free. -Mod includes many new attachments created by various modders Oct 24, 2024 · Background For years, the Fallout 4 community has questioned Bethesda's intelligence decision to chamber the vanilla Combat Rifle in . Sep 18, 2019 · This mod compiles parts of many weapon attachment mods across the nexus to achieve better variety, load order, and compatibility. Optional patches for Caliber Complex are available as well. Is this safe to install mid-playthrough? A. Dec 22, 2022 · Requirements to actually create weapon mods is now standardised by weapon. I went in to FO4Edit to look at the ESP and both those attachments are still there. 1. Armor mods also seem to work well interchangeably. So far I've covered the Laser Gun, Institute Laser Gun, Laser Musket, Gatling Laser, Alien Blaster, Flamer, Plasma Gun, Tesla Rifle, Gauss Rifle, Molotov Cocktail, Pulse & Plasma Grenades and Mines. What this mod does: 1. It has a ton of weapon mods that bring real-world weapons from all over the globe to the game, including everything shotguns and handguns to realistic cannons to enhance your Fallout 4 experience. Now requires AWKCR. Tweaks to the basic Fallout 4 weapons to bring them a little more in-line with real-world things. View mod page Jun 13, 2024 · Adds a prefix to attachment names to tell you what weapon they're from for a bit of added clarity. Jan 6, 2019 · This weapon mod adds a sawn off double barrelled shotgun into the Fallout 4 Commonwealth. May 22, 2022 · For example, I have the Combined Arms and Private Military Company mods, and want to make a custom weapon, FAST helmet, and uniform using the attachments and color changes that these mods provide for their respective items, so I can make a "standard issue" kit for my Minute Men. Apr 21, 2024 · NOT a weapon replacer or weapon looks overhaul. -Mod includes many new attachments created by various modders Feb 5, 2025 · All of my Fallout 4 weapon mods in one plugin. the replacement is done with leveledlist edits, no scripts are used. In other words, when you can expect some level of mods to drop from NPCs, you can expect this mods to be available in the stores as well. 38 was chosen to be the base for weapon damage calculation being the weakest ballistic ammo type available. Many of these parts are functionally the same as others but with different visuals, this has (mostly) not been changed. I started playing Fallout 4 since it was released. USAGE Sep 9, 2022 · Due to the changes made to Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit in the most recent update, this mod will only work properly in games patched to version 1. Control recoil by yourself with this mod's custom recoil changes. i can only create new ones. Grips are shared between pipe guns, pipe bolt-action guns, and pipe Jan 8, 2024 · WHAT DOES THIS MOD DO? Various vendors will now sell modifications from Degenerate Dak's Attachment Pack. Usually its the pistol grip, as is the case with the Noveske REECE mod, and the Zenit AK mod. The affected vendors are Jan 28, 2025 · It's fully compatible with everything, including randomized attachment mods (check out lance5), leveled list mods, texture replacers and more! HOW IT WORKS The mod uses Robco Patcher to change weapon ammunition and NPC leveled list ammo, ensuring that weapons and NPCs are equipped with their caliber complex equivalent ammunition. Here's a bigger list of some more barrels and attachments. VENØM. Mod conflicts: This should be compatible with everything. Think of it as a best off, not an all in one. Intended for use with Any Mod Any Weapon and Enemy Weapon Randomizer, basically useless otherwise. Coming soon: Jul 24, 2018 · Some attachments from these two mods are added to the spawn pools of replaced weapons to replace many of Fallout 4's vanilla guns with the weapon mods listed May 10, 2020 · add support weapon : MW2 Cronen Squall , MW2 Lachmann Sub , MW2 Lachmann Shroud , MW1 Holger 26 , MW1 Rytec AMR , Tavor X95 , MW2 Staccato P 2011 , FN F2000 , MW2 9mm Daemon , MW1 AK47 , PPSh-41 , MW3 BP50 , FN Five-seveN , MW3 STB-556 , MW3 HCR-56 , MW3 MX9 , CZ Scorpion Evo , MW3 MCW , MW3 MCW JAK Raven Kit , MW3 Sidewinder , MW3 MCW6. Sep 2, 2024 · The Lonesome Road DLC had some of the coolest weapon designs to come out of a Fallout game - one of them being the iconic Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun. Weapon mods can be built from raw materials and attached to weapons at weapons workbenches. ) Why? Because I want each weapon to feel unique and real. Discover and download Degenerate Dak's Weapons Pack, a unique mod collection for Fallout 4. Yes. Dec 11, 2015 · Fallout 4 mod enthusiast Tyrannicon shows what's possible in the video above, with his wonderfully enjoyable deadpan manner. Until now there has n Feb 4, 2024 · Intended to be used in conjunction with mods that normalize weapon damage based on their caliber. It also happens with weaponsmith. Apr 15, 2024 · This mod is not compatible with mods that directly edit the actually weapons added by AR2 (Enclave Plasma, Enclave Laser Rifle, and Enclave Gatling Laser) but it is compatible with other mods that add attachments (Ex: STS patch added by AR2 Armaments) it is also compatible with any mod that adds additional weapons to the Enclave. 45 caliber and made stats similar to the Thompson Balance Patch Feb 4, 2024 · A simple of compilation of subjective changes made to weapon attachments. Why would anyone use that? missile launcher’s targeted computer on an instigating long ported barrel 10mm with a handmade rifle’s advanced receiver. S Tool Kit) which allows certain weapon mods to be attached to your weapons while in the field. 10. Intended to be used in conjunction with mods that normalize weapon damage based on their caliber. Inject weapons into the leveled lists, get new weapon combinations, add more attachments, balance under-/over-performing weapons, make them more lore-friendly etc. Once installed, you’ll find this shotgun in a hidden cellar in Concord. 308, Fusion Cells, and shotgun shells; the Attachment Pack adds "infiltrator" magazines, chambered in 5. ) adds a variety of nifbashed attachments and edits to the beautiful M72 Gauss Rifle mod by Utherien. There are 3 new slots, Upgrade 3 for Bayonets, Upgrade 2 for Laser Sights, and Upgrade 1 for Tactical Flashlights. Fallout 4. Now when you find the The Ultimate M4 Platform it should have completely random weapon attachments. Standardized damage and critical damage values modified by weapon attachments (ballistic and energy): Apr 27, 2016 · To craft these new weapon mods, all one needs to do is walk up to a Weapons Workbench with a compatible weapon and select one of the upgrade slots on the bottom of the weapon mod list. RU556. All Discussions You should be able to attach mods between same weapon types. 5 = 2. When you deflect a bullet, your enemy is damages itself by 1/4 of it's weapon damage. Feb 1, 2016 · The changes are too many to list out. 45 caliber ammo. Since it directly reads item data using F4SE, it supports both vanilla and mod-added items. 0 - Added weapon tags to weapon mods, making them easier to identify. Most alternate weapon mods being cylindrical, this is a nice boxy shape would be a nice difference. Dec 13, 2022 · The limits of what can be changed are based on what you want to add, so you can add only scopes and or muzzle attachments. What this mod does: Replaced bonus damage on all ballistic weapon receivers with bonus critical damage. I'll mod it with a scope and a full stock and that's fine. But at lvl 19 there will be 6 other entries, making you only encounter it 1/7 times. Load Order: TAS. Weapon comes with unique inspect (full and empty) animations for each magazine. 0, then it will result in 2. 0. V1. All of my Fallout 4 weapon mods in one plugin. 0 - Mod remade from scratch on the Creation Kit. The steps I've been using are:-Drop combat rifle-pick up (not take)-open console-use command "getplayergrabbedref"-type item ID that is shown -add ". Its slick design, firepower and portability made it a popular choice for crowd control in any outbreaking riots. Ranger Sequoia: Technically not a "weapon" mod but a mod for mods. On the first weapon, you have to build a NEW scope, to replace the long vision scope, then, you now have a long scope in your inventory! May 21, 2019 · Now all vendors specializing in weaponry will also sell weapon mods based on your character's level. May 4, 2016 · Yeah the same things has happened to me too, but for me its with mods like the minigun standalone mod, and the Extended weapons mod. Comes with a configuration holotape and optional MCM. I tried to follow how the vanilla game doles out new weapons with certain attachments, so don't expect everything to be at vendors all at once, just play the game, keep leveling up and check back with vendors every 72 hours. And a forced attach won't do anything if a weapon doesn't have the mod proper attach node for it to attach to. Also overhauls a few weapons adding new attachmentslike the tesla gun, db shotgun annd chinese sword. The ECM magazines are converted to Dec 19, 2024 · cal by changing the cylinders cosmetic design. Aug 27, 2019 · so first, put all settings to low, in the fallout 4 launcher settings if not done so already, secondly you can get tools that optimize the textures of said weapons that dont work, now this part is risky, as you could potentially completely destroy the quality of said weapons. Attachments have also been balanced. Added blacklist functionality to blacklist config files that are incompatible. 56mm. Jan 15, 2017 · Receivers for example have had their impact on weapon damage dramatically reduced, the greatest effect on weapon damage now comes from barrel mods and caliber conversion mods. Thank you to everyone in the Nexus mods Community for making this the most downloaded weapon pack for Fallout 4! Apr 28, 2016 · Compatibility: This mod will edit most of the weapons in the game, many of the weapon attachments, and even a few leveled lists. You can take a normal 44 revolver and turn it into a 45-70 one, complete with NCR themed decorations. Wattz 3000: I always preferred the old LR to the new one since Fallout 3. 5, and the weapon already has multipliers totaling 2. Adds vanilla'fied versions of some ofthe base Attachment Pack that are Dec 4, 2015 · Also, properly added Cryolator and Pipe Weapons to the list. Hard requirement obviously, do not download modcol patch as its included. May 7, 2024 · Adjusted the placement of various Conversions mods in the crafting menu by adjusting the prices of conversion mod misc objects, after discovering that Fallout 4 arranges weapon mods in the menu by misc object value (what an awful design, whoever implemented this needs to be fired 9 years ago). Adds additional customizations to all of the base game weapons. A. ATTACHMENTS: Weapon will spawn with attachments. Most importantly for random generation, make sure there’s an entry that uses mods that start w modcol (aka mod collection). I have spent many hours researching, testing mods, messaging, fixing errors, creating, and learning - This is what I came up with. New attachment slots, fixed bugs, improved special effects, and proper distribution into the world. Non-AnyModAnyWeapon version sold separately. -Mod includes many new attachments created by various modders Jan 18, 2025 · This is a patch to add the attachments of the XM2010 mod to the Tactical Attachment system so you can swap crafted attachments for the two weapons in the field, allowing you to adapt to different engagements. A shared attachment platform for the majority of pipe weapon attachments: Barrels are shared between pipe guns, pipe bolt-action guns, and pipe revolvers. Oct 15, 2024 · The mod addresses this by forcing the player to fully unequip their current weapon before equipping a new one, ensuring a smoother and more realistic transition between weapons. Using the power of RobCo Patcher, this mod changes all weapon attachment Weight properties so that they are additive, not multiplicative. It doesnt matter what weapon mod I use they are all invisible and the only "fix" people Jun 14, 2024 · This mod replaces vanilla combat shotguns and/or double barrel shotguns with the MW JAK-12 Remastered weapon mod by Alphaca. The Gun Nut perk is required to create better modifications for guns. here's my load order GameMode=Fallout Apr 11, 2021 · Other weapon mods do not automatically follow the mechanics that this mod has, their barrel mods, receiver mods, ammo type etc. So low level weapons that you get access to early on (like pipe weapons) have gun nut 1 or 2 to construct all receiver, barrel, scope and stock mods. 2. Q. f4nv 44 attachment pack patch Gamma Gun Replacer Redux-Daks Attachment Pack Patch Laser Rifle Remesh Redux - Daks Attachment Pack Patch America Rising 2 - The Attachment Pack Compatibility Patch Randomized Attachment Packed Guns In the CK, open each weapon form you want to change and click on Object Template. 162, if you find your game crashing or Jan 23, 2025 · Some of you may have encountered a problem where a certain weapon mod will have invisible weapon attachments. Jan 16, 2025 · A set of 5 new, non-level-listed swords, and an overhaul of the Revolutionary Sword, designed to mostly fit in the Fallout 4 aesthetic, and powerful enough that they just might be useful. Brings the Automatron Tesla Rifle up to the same standard as the base game's energy weapons. Thanks: - F4SE Team: For their hard work on adding more features to FO4. The mod was packaged and saved using the old-gen Creation Kit, and thus should work Explore Fallout 4 Enhanced | Weapons, a curated mod collection for Fallout 4 on Nexus Mods. R. 45 ACP, or similar) despite having a weapon model that depicts a full-length rifle cartridge. Maintaining compatibility with most quest mods as the 10mm pistol still exists in the game. sgodd wkdbj ckd qsxk ojlqog bwd qmyq ufj kmruqw esr swhda ucs dlb gajl kuzhu