Clark county courthouse. 0 mile away Lynn Marie Goya — Clark County Clerk.

Clark county courthouse Government Websites by CivicPlus® Electronic Filing The Clerk of the Court allows parties to file and serve documents on-line using Odyssey File & Serve. Thirtieth District Jefferson County District Court Louis J. Find info for any nearby courthouse The public record information viewed on Clark County, Ohio common pleas court clerk’s internet reflects docket entries and information required by Ohio law, and is kept by the Clark County Clerk of Courts Office. The courthouse is on Franklin and 13th streets. Court of Appeals Second Appellate District Springfield Clark County Courthouse, 101 North Limestone Street 0. Clark County Superior Court's Personal and Professional Jan 1, 2018 · The office maintains filing, docketing, indexing, and preserving of all court pleadings for civil, felony criminal, domestic relations adult division cases, and Clark County’s portion of filings for the Second District Court of Appeals. Notice to set for trial - Family Law ; Response to Notice to Set for Trial (Word doc) The Clark County Clerk’s Office issues marriage licenses, proof of marriage and officiant certifications. | Dubois, ID 83423 | (208) 374‑5304. Park Avenue, Helena MT 59623 View on Map 406-447-8200 . The courthouse is at 3rd and Carson streets. Clark County Superior Court Local Court Rule LCR 0. Clark County Municipal Court 101 North Limestone Street 0. [3] Public access to court records in Clark County Courthouse, First Circuit Court - Clark County, Missouri. 620-635-2753 Fax: 620-635-2155. If you are appearing for a Small Claims case, Civil, or Landlord-Tenant dispute, you SHOULD bring a translator with you when you appear at the Clerk's Office, or for your Court appearance. These responsibilities include: Issuing or filing of records: Assumed Business Names/DBA; Birth or Death Certificates; Commissioners Court Minutes; DD 214 Military Discharge Nearby Courts: Clark County Juvenile Court 500 W 11th St 0. Superior Court Administration: 564. Bring at least three copies of any attachments (Note: copies made by the Court may require a . Here you can access court records that have historically only been available by visiting our office in Springfield. In this instance, you would need to contact the Clerk of the Court in that county, since each Clerk is only authorized to search records Click here for an overview of the small claim process. May 2, 2024 · Clark County BAILIFF (DEPUTY MARSHAL) - ACADEMY RECRUITMENT SALARY $27. 1200 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98660 Phone: (564) 397-2292, Option #2 (information only) Walk-In Hours: By appointment only . The Clerk's Office offers subscriptions to our OnBase system which allows access to images in public files from 1985 forward on a 24/7 basis. Hours. The Clerk of Superior & State Courts keeps the official record of all civil and criminal actions filed in each court, Courts' minutes, notary appointments, and requested filings of DD2-14 forms from US Military Service personnel. Department-specific hours may vary. and 1:00 p. Formed February 3, 1801 (2nd county) Clark County (121,091), Jeffersonville (49,450) Clark County has a Modern style tan brick and concrete courthouse built in 1970. Further information regarding the Law Library is available at 455-4696. 0 mile away County Courts. The 78,000-square-foot courthouse was dedicated Nov. Court data, images and credit card payments are on-line: Nearby Courts: Court of Appeals Second Appellate District Springfield Clark County Courthouse, 101 North Limestone Street 0. Ryan Award for Economics; the JCPenny Golden Rule Award for We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Find information about the courts in Clark County, Washington, including Superior Court and District Court. For shipping services other than USPS mail: Clark County Marriage License Bureau Attn: Notary Bond 201 E. The individual is cited and instructed to appear at the next Friday Community Court docket at 1:00 p. 28 Hourly LOCATION Clark County - Las Vegas, NV JOB TYPE PERMANENT JOB NUMBER 26618-2024ACADEMY2 DEPARTMENT District Court OPENING DATE 05/01/2024 CLOSING DATE 5/7/2024 5:01 PM Pacific ABOUT THE POSITION The County Recorder records and indexes documents deposited in her office that are authorized, entitled or required by law to be recorded. Going to Small Claims Court; Suing someone in Small Claims; Being Sued in Small Claims; Mediation Clark County Municipal Court. O. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) A partnership of decision makers & community agencies working to effectively administer justice If "Plead and Pay" is not an option, this may indicate your offense requires a court appearance. Winchester, KY 40391. 0 mile away. We are taking precautions due to COVID-19, including extending continuances to those who are not comfortable visiting the Las Vegas Municipal Courthouse, who may be exhibiting potential signs of illness, or who are in a high-risk category. The Clerk of the Bexar County Clerk Lucy Adame-Clark serves as the clerk and custodian for many of the records filed in and managed by Bexar County, among other responsibilities and services. The Lake County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office is warning residents of fraudulent calls being made that claim payment must be made to avoid being arrested for missed jury duty. In some cases, a relinquishment of parental rights may have been filed in a different county than the adoption. In 1883, a new three story courthouse was built on the present courthouse site at 11th and Franklin. The electronic system allows parties to search by full case number or use party search to access a case and begin the electronic filing and service process. [2]: 2 It was demolished following a 2010 vote. to allow time for processing. Clark County Clerk’s Office is the responsible for maintaining the record of Court Administrator: Pamela Hartman Beyer. Term of Office 2025 - present. to 4:30 p. Driving Directions to the Courthouse: From I-5 North or South, exit the freeway at the Mill Plain exit. A Corrections Center Marriage Year Not required, but may help narrow the search results The Clerk's Office, Facilitator's Office and Superior Court e-filing will be closed for training March 7, 2025, from 12pm - 4:30pm - All Ex Parte will be available for pick up on Monday, March 10, 2025 Clark County County Clerk. Formed April 8, 1873 (16th county) Clark County (3,844), Clark (1,149) The Art Deco structure was built of red/tan brick in 1934. We have constructed this site as a service to the citizens of Clark County. She is an award-winning playwright; an Emmy-nominated writer; received the Frederick L. 401 Clay Street, Second Floor Clark County Clerk's Office Attn: Notary Bond Box 551604 Las Vegas, NV 89155-1604. 00. County Clerk. OnBase is the document imaging system used by the Clark County Clerk's Office. gov. 250 - 40. 374. The process begins when an individual is cited by a Vancouver Police Officer or Clark County Sheriff’s Deputy for an eligible offense. Phone: 859-745-0200. The County Clerk's Office provides marriage and business services to Clark County residents and visitors. Welcome to the new official government website of Clark County, Arkansas . Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. General informationThe library has many of the mandatory court forms for divorce, parentage, modification, relocation, visits, and minor guardianship available for photocopying. m. All documents filed with the Clerk's Office are scanned into OnBase as part of the court record. In service of our mission, we commit to: Kelly Waples, Clark County Clerk Amber Neves, Deputy Clerk. fax 660-727-1088. Clerk of the Court The Clerk of the Court maintains court records from September 1909 through the present date. Clark County Auditor's Marriage License Department PO Box 5000 Vancouver WA 98666-5000. Pamela Littlejohn, Treasurer Clark 224 W Main St. On this site, you will find information including departmental listings, contact information, and many additional resources. 1st Floor. Nov 25, 2024 · The Clerk of Superior & State Courts is the Clerk of Superior Court and the Clerk of State Court. Learn about the court's mission, vision, and news. 1200 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 Mailing Address: PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 Clark County. Find information about the justice courts in Clark County, Nevada, which handle civil, criminal, traffic, eviction, small claims and protection orders. Home. Historic 1899 Courthouse -> Nearby Courts: Clark County Court of Common Pleas General Division 101 North Limestone Street, Room 210 0. Type or write legibly. The Clerk of District Court for Lewis and Clark County does not process passport applications. Proceed west on Mill Plain to Franklin, and then south on Franklin Street to the Courthouse, located at the The clerk and staff are not allowed to give legal advice. Giuliani Office - (702) 455-1892 Fax - (702) 384-5017 Law Clerk - (702) 455-1894 Email - deptklc@clarkcountycourts. The building featured quoins, bracketed eaves, and an octagonal cupola. Box 205 Clark County. The library also has other fill-in-the-blank style forms. 4 million residents. The Clark County Recorder's Office can only record a divorce that has already been filed with Family Court. Visitors are subject to security screening when entering the building. The County Recorder collects the fees required by state law for the performance of her services. Clark County District Court is a court of Limited Jurisdiction, and handles traffic infractions, criminal traffic citations, misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors, civil cases for less than $100,000, small claims, and name changes. CLERK Stephenie Stewart PO Box 205 Dubois, ID 83423 sstewart@co. 2400 Physical Address: 34 S Main Street Winchester, KY 40392. 0 mile away Clark County Clerk PO Box 5000 Vancouver, WA 98666. Carey. Schumaker, and Judge Daniel D. For your peace of mind, insist on a bill with all fees and recommended tips before you take your vows. Court Street Kahoka, MO 63445-1268. Case Finder; District Court; Family Court; Justice Courts; For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. The County Clerk provides a number of services including title and registration of No person, other than the court reporter, may record, or in any other way capture, a court proceeding without the court’s permission. 34 S Main. The mission of Clark County District Court is to serve people by delivering exceptional justice services; providing equitable access to the court and its programs; treating everyone with fairness and respect; and promoting diversity in our community and operations. 1200 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA 98660-2812 Mailing Address: PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 Clark County. 1 mile away. It was built in 1871, and was a two-story, cross-plan, brick building sheathed in stucco. The Clark County Courthouse, located at 913 Highland Street in Ashland, is the seat of government of Clark County, Kansas. Please call the Clark County Circuit Clerk’s office at 660-727-3292 for further assistance. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the court will be closed on the next day, Monday. The CLSHC has information on the following subjects: Document Center. Information can be obtained in person Meet the dedicated judges of Clark County Municipal Court, including Judge Valerie J. Weber, County Clerk (360) 397-2292 Baine Wilson, Chief Deputy Clerk (360) 397-2292 Ext. All metal objects, electronics, bags, backpacks, belts, wallets, jackets and coins will need to be removed from your person and scanned through security screening. Wright, Porteous Clark County, KY. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Property Search Real Estate & Taxes. Find 1,747 foreclosures 13,600 pre-foreclosures 59 short sales 1,409 sheriff sales. Clark County Courthouse: 1200 Franklin St. Lewis and Clark County 316 N. Collections Unit. Most records dating from 1990 to present may be searched online. 564. Pamela Littlejohn, Treasurer Clark County Ohio, Unknown Spouse of Timothy Greene, quiet title. 5000 564-397-2292. and is located at 200 Lewis Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. Please contact the U. There was a classic 1892 courthouse before. 89155 Courtroom Protocol No weapons are allowed. Learn more. Court Documents District Court Superior Court Get real-time info. Wilt, Judge Stephen A. 2150: Court Clerks Office: 564. Walter Day Hilborn provided the designs. Fees: Clark County Residents $25 + $4 document fee = $29 The city of Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Municipal Court's top priorities are the health and safety of our staff and visitors. Fax: 859-737-5678. The solicitors outside of the Marriage License Bureau work for commercial wedding chapels. 25CV0197: Heather L. Calendars and Case Information View case summaries, defendant and plaintiff names, and case information. Clark County Courthouse - 1st Floor. Learn about their roles, backgrounds, and the judicial services they provide to enhance the court's efficiency and fairness. Click this link for Google Map Directions to this parking lot. In the State of Washington adoptions are filed in the Superior Court of the county in which the adoptive parents lived when the adoption occurred. Phone: 564-397-2150 Fax: 360-397-6078. gov Nancy Bernstein Department Eight Las Vegas Township Justice Court. You can also visit the Bureau of Consular Affair, U. . Fax: 859-745-4251. Home Clark County Clerk. Nearby Courts: Clark County Circuit Court Clark County Government Building, 501 East Court Avenue 0. It is the closest jury parking lot to the West Entrance of the Clark County Courthouse. Emergency alerts Location: Clark County Courthouse 1200 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA (1st floor of Courthouse) Hours: By appointment only. id. Many are specific to Washington, but there are also national form book sets or example forms that can be adapted to other situations. Call 660-727-3283. 3 miles away Clark County Courthouse | 517 Court Street Room 301 | Neillsville, WI 54456 | Ph: (715) 743-5148 Fx: (715 743-5154 Formed February 2, 1865 (7th county) Lewis and Clark County (70,967), Helena (32,090) A masonry and rock Romanesque Revival building built in 1887 serves as the courthouse. Las Vegas Justice Court 2nd Floor - Regional Justice Center 200 Lewis Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101 The Civil Division of Las Vegas Justice Court Township is by far the busiest division of the court. Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Fax: (870) 246-9378 Clark County Superior Court. County Courthouse. The following items are NOT allowed in the Clark County Courthouse: Firearms WHEN: 9:00 a. Phone: (702) 455-2590. It sits at Court and Watt streets. Small Claims actions have a Clark County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds The Recorder of Deeds issues marriage licenses and records real estate transfers, deeds of trust, power of attorney, survey, tax liens and military discharges. Contact Information: Phone Number: 605-532-5851 Fax: 605-532-4257 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] The Clerk of the Court maintains court records from September 1909 through the present date. There were 1914 and 1959 versions earlier also in Las Vegas the only county seat. Mapcarta, the open map. Notice: Las Vegas Justice Court Restitution Payment Policy effective April 3, 2023read more How do I contact Las Vegas Justice Court Criminal Division? (702) 671-3201 Main Line Local architect Day Walter Hilborn designed the five-story courthouse in the Art Deco/Art Moderne style popular for public construction projects in the New Deal era of the 1930s and 1940s. 50 cent per page fee). Fax Jan 1, 2018 · The office maintains filing, docketing, indexing, and preserving of all court pleadings for civil, felony criminal, domestic relations adult division cases, and Clark County’s portion of filings for the Second District Court of Appeals. TEL - 812-285-6244 412 Crittenden St, Second Floor Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923. Clark County District Court Regional Justice Center 200 Lewis Ave, Las Vegas, NV. The Civil Division is divided into four (4) areas; Small Claims, Civil Actions, Evictions and Protection Orders. mo. Phone: (702) 455-0000. Welcome to the official web site of the Clark County, Ohio, Municipal Court Clerk's Office. The county was formed on February 2, 1865 as the Family Law Instructions Forms link: Washington Courts Below are some of the instructions that are available through the Family Law Facilitator's Office. Phone: (870) 246-4491 Email: tracy@clarkcountyarkansas. It is on Commercial Street, 2nd Avenue, Smith Street, and 3rd Avenue. These cases involve criminal felonies, civil suits, and domestic relations cases. Please call the Clerk's office for an appointment. Legal questions should be directed to your attorney or to the Lawyer Referral Service at 1-800-362-9082. A step-by-step overview of how to get married in Las Vegas. To request a certified copy, exemplified copy, or plain copy fill out the copy request form and email it to recordsrequest@clarkcountycourts. Find information about the Las Vegas Justice Court, including location, phone number, hours, divisions, forms, and online services. The Clerk of the Court provides access to this information to the public, legal community and court related agencies. What you need to provide. , at the Fourth Plain location rather than the main courthouse. Hammond Company, which specialized in reinforced concrete construction. Scott G. Tracy Pruitt, County Clerk. If you find that you are unable to access your traffic citation online (www. United States Highway 95 is four blocks northeast of the courthouse. To obtain information about a Clark County divorce or a copy of a divorce decree, you need to contact one of the following: Family Court 601 North Pecos Las Vegas, NV 89101-2408 (702) 455-2590 or (702) 455-2373 Related Links for Divorce Nov 21, 2024 · Welcome to the official website of the Clark County Courthouse & Government. clark@sos. Two (2) witnesses – the Court cannot provide them for you. When Washington attained statehood in 1889, twelve superior court judges were elected to serve the thirty-nine counties. It’s located at Broadway and Ewing streets. Clark County Courthouse, ground floor 1200 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98660 (564) 397-2424 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm Phones: Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm, closed 12:00-1:00pm. The Clark County Recorder is PROHIBITED from giving ANY legal advice, or to assist in document preparation. Weber Clark County Clerk 1200 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98660. 29, 1941. Court System Type: Formed January 4, 1909 (15th county) Clark County (2,265,469), Las Vegas (644,866) A 2007 Modern skyscraper is the Clark County courthouse. The Family Law Facilitator Program at Clark County was established to provide assistance to citizens who choose to or who cannot afford an attorney to represent them in matters dealing with: Out-of-state residents may apply for a license in Clark County only if the marriage ceremony is being performed in Clark County. Court Street, Ste 110 Kahoka, MO 63445-1268 660-727-3283. Share & Connect. Clark County Clerk. Information about translators for court appearances, may be obtained from the District Court Interpreter's Office at (702) 455-4279. Phone: 859-745-0280. This information is current as of the previous business day. The following are links to the Civil Law Self-Help Center which provides legal information and forms for individuals seeking to represent themselves in civil matters in the Clark County court system. Moore. 5304 CLARK COUNTY EXTENSION Hailey Holden Richins PO Box 65 Dubois, ID 83423 Clark county courts and government offices. lasvegasjusticecourt. Mailing Address: PO Box 9806 Vancouver, WA 98666-8806 The courthouse is the county’s 4th courthouse building. us 208. Main Location. © 2025 Clark County Missouri Contact Us. Clark County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division 101 North Limestone Street 0. Marriage License Requirements. Fiscal Court. 501 Avenue G. The Clerk of the Court provides access to this information to the public, legal community, and court related agencies. Court System Type: Magistrate Court Division: Third Judicial Circuit. The Clark County Title Offices issue motor vehicle titles and we are Passport Acceptance Agencies in Zoom Hearing Information District Court Daily Court Dockets Documents and Forms Superior Court Daily Court Dockets Documents and Forms Docket Clark County. A Government Administration building sits next to the courthouse. Jeffersonville City Court 500 Quartermaster Court 0. The courthouse is one block north of United States Highway 212. Third Street. Park Avenue, Helena MT 59623 View on Map 406-447-8200 Please visit this page to perform an online search for inmates of the Clark County Detention Center, or a call us at (702) 671-3900. Lynn Marie Goya — Clark County Clerk. 4. us. Click here to view our department directory. Box 4060 Winchester , KY 40392. If you have any questions about which forms you should use, the facilitators are available to visit for a fee of $20. 397. The Clerk of the Court maintains court records from September 1909 through the present date. The Court is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM excluding holidays. Physical Address View Map. The Eighth Judicial District Court of Clark County provides access to court records, case information, and various services for the public and legal community. Hilary Foster. United States Highway 12 is ten blocks north of the building. For questions or concerns, click here to contact Clark County. Magistrate Judge. The first courthouse built in 1855 was a 30x45 foot two-story frame building and stood on West Reserve Street between 8th and 10th Streets. Phone: (702) 671-0530. 601 North Pecos Road. Court System Type: County Court Division: Contact COURTROOM NORTH G-2 ARRAIGNMENT COURTROOM G-1 DISTRICT COURT OFFICES N COURTROOM WEST G-3 GROUND FLOOR ELEVATORS N Wheelchair accessible entrance << INDEX North Las Vegas Justice Court 2428 N. Clark County County Clerk 1200 Franklin St 0. Mailing Address: PO Box 5000 Vancouver, WA 98666-5000. Services. 2292: Jury Administration: 564. clarkcountyar. In addition, the Clerk is the Administrator of Court Records and the Financial Officer for the Courts. 2049: Juror Recorded Information: 564. TEL - 812-285-6244 When entering the Clark County Courthouse, you'll be required to go through security screening. Daily Superior Court calendar This is the schedule of Superior Court that is updated each day. If you wish to be married by the Clerk at the courthouse, an appointment must be made in advance. 89155 Location Hours: Building: Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM Clerks Office: Mon - Fri: 9:00AM – 4:00PM Jury Services: Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM Court Administration: Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM Phone Numbers: District Court Administration: 702-671-4528 MAPS & Directions Family Court House 601 North Pecos RD, Las Vegas Justice Court processes any traffic citation issued outside the Las Vegas city limits and in the unincorporated part of Clark County. Maureen A. Click on the location name for address, jury info, and other information. Vancouver, WA 98660-2812. Clark County 200 Lewis Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89155. The system is updated nightly. PST. 3 mile away. They are not employed by nor affiliated with The Office of Civil Marriages, the Marriage License Bureau, or the Clark County Clerk's Office. Vermillion v. Street Address: Clark County Clerk 1200 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98660. clark. A classier courthouse from 1888 was in Clark earlier, the Jan 16, 2024 · SCAM ALERT: Lake County Clerk warns residents of jury duty payment scam Posted: 1/16/2024. This is just one example of what may start the eviction process; other conditions are listed in NRS 40. Clark County District Court. Our mission is to promote and advocate for the best interests of a child involved in a neglect and abuse case in the court system of Clark County Landlord/Tenant Disputes If a tenant does not pay the rent, the landlord will likely start an eviction action. 00; Notary Applications and Certifications (Please call about fees) Courts in Clark County, Ohio. Ryan Lynch - Clark County Clerk. – 7 days per week WHERE: Regional Justice Center 200 Lewis Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89155 COURTROOM: Lower Level Floor – Courtroom B Individuals who are scheduled to appear in Initial Appearance Court are those who have not posted bail, or have not been administratively released on their own recognizance. Clark County Courthouse 1200 Franklin Street Vancouver, WA 98660 Ground or 2nd floor – you will be told which floor when you make your appointment. Martin L. Interstate Highway 65 is eight blocks to the west of the site. Post Office at 406-443-3304 . Link: County Clerk's Office Page The Clark County Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a. The Clark County District Court has limited Nearby Courts: Court of Appeals Second Appellate District Springfield Clark County Courthouse, 101 North Limestone Street 0. Monday through Friday Closed Saturdays and legal holidays Please arrive prior to 4:00 p. Family Court and Services Center . Our office does not notarize documents for the general public. If you are asking for child support as part of your dissolution case, see the child support page. This parking lot is directly below the Clark County Sheriff's Office on West 11th Street. 8 am to 4 pm County Manager The County Manager's Office is responsible for the executive oversight of Clark County, which provides regional services to more than 2. 111 E. With a comprehensive range of services, including child support collection, court filing, document recording, and more, they ensure the smooth functioning of the legal Explore 16,815 foreclosure listings in Clark County, NV updated daily since 1998. Please see the District Court Closures page for current office/phones hours. Court System Type: • Together, go to the Clark County Marriage License Bureau • No appointment is necessary and it typically takes less than one hour • Provide the clerk your confirmation number or names and present your identification • Verify all of your information is correct before leaving • Pay the $102 fee (convenience fee extra if paid by Clark County Circuit Clerk is a vital institution in Arkadelphia, AR, serving as the official clerk and recorder for the civil, domestic relations, criminal, and juvenile courts. O. The instructions are not legal advice. 320 West Main, Dubois, ID 83423 Mailing Address: P. S. See the locations, contact details and services of each court. Clark County Clerk’s Office 200 Lewis Avenue, Box 551604 Las Vegas, Nevada 89155-1604 Department K Cynthia N. com. Clark County Magistrate Court. Court Services Judicial 2nd Floor District Courthouse, 228 Broadway - Room A. Mailing Address: PO Box 9806 Vancouver, WA 98666-8806 District Court. Court System Type: Clark County Clerk 517 Court Street Neillsville, WI 54456 (715) 743-5148 WHERE TO APPLY: County Clerk’s Office, Courthouse – Room 301 Hours: 8:00 a. Department of State . - 5:30 p. 6 includes a suggested parenting time schedule for school-age children whose parents live in the same geographic location. 5000. 252. This prohibition applies to all persons, including members of the public viewing court proceedings and to persons with the ability to record any virtual court proceeding. Clerk of the Court. How to Get Married in Las Vegas. Clark Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89101. Phone: 564-397-2150 Fax: 360-397-6078 Clark County Clerk Phone Contacts Scott G. Clark County Clerk’s Office 200 Lewis Avenue, Box 551604 Las Vegas, Nevada 89155-1604 Clark County Clerk’s Office Clark County Judicial Center 501 E Court Avenue #137 Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Philip J. Prior to being elected as the Clark County Clerk, Goya was a freelance journalist who wrote for local, regional, and national publications including USA Today, Audubon and the Boston Globe. Public Defender. We are recognized as the Wedding Capital of the World. Location, contacts, phone number, jury duty, and other info. If you need certified copies of your certificate, complete the request form and provide payment (check, cashier's check, or money order) and mail in request. gov Phone: (702) 298-4622 Fax: 702-298-7508 Outlying Justice Court Administration A free e-mail account may be set up at the Civil Law Self Help Center which is located on the first floor of the Regional Justice Center and Clark County Law Library located a 309 S. It could take up to 25 days for your ticket to be entered into our system. Proper Family Court Facilitator This is a link to information about the Clark County Clerk's Office family court facilitator program for parties handling their family court issues without the assistance of an attorney. Lowe Judicial Executive Assistant Office: (702) 671-3408 Fax: (702) 366-1642 Oct 30, 2024 · Clark County Clerk's Office. The Family Court Facilitator program provides assistance to citizens who cannot afford an attorney or choose to represent themselves in matters dealing with: Washington State Court sites Odyssey Portal - Superior Court Case Search - This search uses a Washington Courts website (Odyssey Portal) which can search all counties in the State of Washington for cases. District Court. Website: Clark County Courthouse: 1200 Franklin St. Please allow Courthouse Location: Clark County Courts are located in the Clark County Courthouse at 1200 Franklin Street in downtown Vancouver. Juvenile Court. Prosecutor. Clark County. Small Claims actions have a Clark County Clerk Phone Contacts Scott G. 29 - $42. The Clark County Clerk’s Office offers a variety of other services including: Marriage Licenses – $50. 0 mile away Lynn Marie Goya — Clark County Clerk. For more information, contact the Clerk of the Court at (702) 455-2590. The courthouse is three blocks south of Washington State Highway 501. us Location - FAMILY Courtroom 13 Family Court House 601 North Pecos RD, Las Vegas, NV. Mailing Address: P. The Clark County Title Offices issue motor vehicle titles and we are Passport Acceptance Agencies in Visting the Regional Justice Center The Regional Justice Center (RJC) opens at 7:15 a. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Learn about fees, FAQs, articles and videos, and how to contact the office. 1200 Franklin St, Vancouver, WA 98660-2812 Mailing Address: PO Box 9806, Vancouver, WA 98666-8806 Clark County. Where's My Case - Daily Case Locations (District and Superior Courts) (The Where's My Case Locator was designed as an app for smartphones and tablets, it may not function properly with your browser) Clark County Courthouse was a historic courthouse located at Kahoka, Clark County, Missouri. Mailing Address: 101 Civic Way Suite 2 Laughlin, Nevada 89029 Email: LaughlinJCPR@ClarkCountyNV. Learn about the types of cases they handle, how to contact them, and where they are located. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Probate. The Clark County, Indiana program operates under the name “CASA - The Voice of Clark County’s Children” and is a court program operating under the auspices of Clark County Circuit Court No. Planning a wedding is stressful enough! Clark County Clerk’s Office Clark County Judicial Center 501 E Court Avenue #137 Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Law Library. 34 South Main. Formed August 20, 1845 (1st county) Clark County (503,309), Vancouver (190,888) The Art Deco masonry courthouse was built in 1941. us), the citation has not yet been entered into the LVJC’s case management system. Civil, Criminal, Family, and Probate Case Search Calendar Search Calendars for individual judges and programs in the Civil, Criminal, and Probate Divisions can be accessed through the following link: Civil, Criminal, and Probate What you need to know about Sealed Court Records By Oct 30, 2024 · Clark County District Court Civil/Criminal Division. Brandeis Hall of Justice, 600 West Jefferson Street 1. General contractor for the project was the Portland business Ross B. Boulder City Municipal Court. There is no eating, drinking, smoking or chewing gum in any courtroom. READ MORE. Jan 1, 2025 · The Courts are closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the court is closed on the Friday before. The clerk will enter a pre-trial hearing date on the Notice form. 17 hours ago · 25CV0196: Sophia Davies v. They must be at least 14 years old and understand what they are witnessing Together, go to the Clark County Marriage License Bureau No appointment is necessary and i t typically takes less than one hour Provide the clerk your confirmation number or names and present your identification Mission of District Court. The clerk may assist you with forms and general information about the process but is not allowed to give legal advice. Monday through Friday. King Blvd, Building A North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032 click here to contact Clark County. Court System Type: District Court Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 702-455-3156 Clark County Courthouse 913 Highland, PO Box 790 Ashland, KS 67831. For 28 years this building was the site of the 2nd Judicial District Court when it sat in Clark County. qzixq qgdilvvj svh bevc zsxb qcjm koqyuhr jlabyx reduuu vzrbz uxiq obgatwf vczqb itvl dxin